Ride-On Ranch would like to open our indoor riding arena to all members! Our only request is that riders help in keeping the lights on by paying $10 per rider per session. Non-members are invited to ride at $20 per rider per session. We are very grateful for the facility we have and all the work that has done to get us where we are today. This is just a small token of our appreciation.
The horses enjoying the snowy countryside after the blizzard of 2016.
2016 Spring Sessions Begin February 29 – Register Today
Ride-On Ranch is extremely grateful for our recent donation from Photonic Health!
Recently our mini therapy pony, Chip managed to Houdini his way out of his stall. We opened the barn doors to find him standing next to an empty treat bucket, a turned over trash can and a destroyed hay bale. The worst part being that we knew the treats he had consumed were wrapped in cellophane. Our poor little guy had a very enlarged stomach was sweating and had obvious pain. First call was to the vet but due to his size they was very little they could do. The only choice we had was to get some oil in him, wait and watch. After administrating a little bute and some oil the first thing we did was grab the red light and start with the colic points. You could instantly see the relief in Chip when the light was used. As the day went on we were still not getting gut sounds. We went back to using the red light. Each time we red lighted there was a huge gut sound! It was the only sounds we had all day! He made it through the night and we began the process again. Again the only time we heard gut sounds was with the red light! After one round of the colic points in the morning, he began to pass fecal matter. His disposition became much brighter and he started to get his appetite back. We never did find the cellophane but we are convinced that without the red light this happy tale would most likely have had a different ending. Thank you Phototonic Health from Ride-On Ranch and Chip!
Then Ride-On Ranch needs you!

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Ride-On Ranch Holiday Wish List!
Hello There! DooLittle Here. You know the greatest therapy horse ever! Or at least that’s what my Mom tells me…. This holiday season, The therapy horses and I got together for a little molasses and fire side chat and we came up with a wish list for Santa. Now I know, we haven’t always been angels this year but I would say we have been a pretty good therapy partner! Maybe you can put in a good word with Santa for me! Oh yeah, and Santa said that he’ll put you on the IRS nice list with these 501-C3 tax deductible items, whatever that means…. Merry Christmas to Everyone!! From your Favorite four legged Friend, DooLittle
P.S. Look for my friends list coming in the mail soon.
Dear Santa,
My name is DooLittle and I am 15 years old. Most of the year I am a grumpy old man but I love when the kids come around with all their hugs. This year, they found out I have Lyme’s disease but I was able to overcome the symptoms and now I am feeling much better! For Christmas this year, I would love some tools to help out my sore muscles from Lyme’s, some new shoes and of course FOOD!
Love, DooLittle
Fulfill My Wish – 1 Full Set of Horseshoes
Fulfill My Wish – Vet Wrap Variety Colors
Fulfill My Wish – 7 Bales of Hay
Fulfill My Wish – 1 Bale of Hay
YooHoo, Blossom here! Oh Very Merry Christmas to You! I just love this time of year and all the Christmas Cheer! Santa, I’m Wishing for a White Christmas and a few other cool things too….
Fulfill My Wish – Blue Balance Pads
Fulfill My Wish – Osteopathic Adjust
Fulfill My Wish – Horse Treats
Fulfill My Wish – Mohair Cinch 34 inch