2018 Shenandoah Research Application

2018 SU Hippotherapy Application

Occupational therapy students at Shenandoah University are looking for volunteers to research whether participation in Hippotherapy will improve socialization skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Looking for children between the ages of 5-12 diagnosed with ASD that have not previously participated in Hippotherapy or therapeutic riding. Participants must be independent with ambulation and obtain a physician’s note authorizing child’s participation.
  • Your child will engage in free occupational therapy utilizing Hippotherapy (a research proven treatment where the movement of the horse is used to improve socialization skills). To reduce risk there will be multiple trained individuals participating during the session.
  • The study will take place at Ride-On Ranch 38416 Morrisonville Rd, Lovettsville, VA 20180 on Sunday April 4th, April 11th, April 18th, and April 25th between 2-5pm.

